Basic Philosophy I Live By Nickahlis Kopel follows very simple principles. be as genuine as you possibly can and karma is real. Everything I believe can be boiled down to that simple sentence. Truth, Honesty, and Logic. These are what I base my entire life on. Reality is weirder than imagination. There's so much more than we understand and that's a good thing. Placebo is real. Just because its placebo doesn't mean its not real. Manifestation is a good example of this, its basically placebo but with how energy and law of attraction works and etc. you're more likely to achieve your desired results if you spend time to manifest than someone who doesn't. obviously action is #1 but thought is a very close #2, id almost put them both at #1 but if you never act than your thoughts mean nothing. What you put in is what you get out. Obviously if you're the nicest person you are not guaranteed to live your life hassle free, sadly. I do notice, they tend to live nicer ...