Hello everyone, I am Nickahlis Kopel. My artist name is Nick Kopel.
Personal Info:
Name : Nickahlis Kopel
DOB : May 23rd 2001
Home State: Rhode Island
Interests: Music, Video Games, Music Production, Video Production, Technology, Coding, Philosophy, Psychedelic's, Spirituality, Teaching, Mental Awareness, Learning, Audio Books, Reading, Art, and many more
Contact Email : nickkopelmusic@gmail.com
I give you permission to contact me for anything you'd like on any of my social medias but if you're a bot or bot-like I will instantly block you.
What to Expect From This Blog:
I wanted a place where I could express myself even further. I wanted a place where my teachings could be in text and also I could be more personal to the people that are interested. I'm going to be discussing my music, YouTube channel, social medias, Thoughts, Research, Conclusions, Understandings, etc. basically anything I want to write about. I believe in privacy but I accept what I'm trying to achieve and that includes losing a lot of privacy, I feel the best thing I can do is put my real thoughts out there instead of speculation. Also the goal is to show you to do the same as much as you're comfortable doing. The internet is the best and worst place to put your thoughts and feelings but I believe I can help start the movement to really express yourself in meaningful and thoughtful ways. Like me explaining my expiernces and also lessons from them. Also fun things like what Video Games I've been playing and etc. The main thing to remember is you don't have to care what someone thinks about what you're posting. I recognize the internet is here to stay, so why not leave something for the people that come after me and before me. So just to sum it up, I'm here to express myself and I encourage you to do the same.
How Can I Learn More About You:
Without stalking me, this and my music are the best ways to learn/understand me. Music is the best way because I can express myself in ways I don't think ill ever be able to express in words. It does not mean I wont try. You can scroll through my Instagram memes to learn more about my humor but beware, its dark, like jet black. I thank that to my past and coping mechanisms I applied. I explain it in a song. You can also follow me on reddit. my user name is Kopel Productions. I'm very honest on there with subs like r/AskReddit and I often post my more spiritual expiernces on the correct subreddits too. I acknowledge that everything on the internet is open to anyone and I understand that when posting, I am still very personal to help others.
Who Am I Really?:
As hard as this question can be, I think about it a lot. Simply, I am a man exploring life and what it has to offer. I will get way more in depth later.
Kopel Productions:
Nick Kopel:

I hope you all enjoyed learning a little bit more about me, Follow the link and check me out. Follow, Subscribe and if you can Donate. Have a wonderful day/night and see you next time.
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